The Illusion of knowledge part 2

The man who knows seldom speaks; the man who speaks seldom knows. Dumb people who know their limits, aren't dumb. The really annoying thing is dumb people who think they're smart. They're easy to find because they like to show off how smart they are. They're always the first to give an opinion about something, even if all they know about it is how to pronounce the word. Then they take credit for whatever you do, because they advised you, unless it doesn't work: then they knew all along that it was a dumb idea. They will then proceed to advise you on every other aspect of your life.

Smart people, when proven wrong, own up to it and move on. Dumb people, when proven wrong, insist they're right or blame other people or technology. When dealing with stupid people, here are some good comebacks:

1. Yeah, your phone suffers from the I. D. 10 T. virus. To get rid of the virus, soak your phone in water for an hour.

2. If you ran as fast as your mouth, you'd be in good shape.

3. Calling you an idiot would be an in insult to all the stupid people.

4. Keep rolling your eyes. Maybe you'll find a brain back there.

5. Zombies eat brains. You're safe.

6. Before you tell me what I did wrong, you should first know that I don't care.

7. Unless your name is Google, stop acting like you know everything.

8. I'd make fun of you, but I don't think you'd understand it.

9. I'd love to insult you, but I wouldn't do as well as nature did.

10. Stupid people should use glue sticks instead of chapstick.

Farewell, and may you never have to talk to someone with the IQ of a toadstool.


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