Misplaced Modifiers

On the topic of human grammar, I get big laughs out of misplaced modifiers. Apparently, some people don't know what misplaced modifiers are. A misplaced modifier is a phrase or clause that is placed in a sentence so it appears to modify an unintended word. Groucho Marx hilariously illustrated a misplaced modifier when he said, "One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas, I'll never know."

Here are some funny examples of misplaced modifiers:

1. The cops chased the criminal in the squad car. (How did the criminal get in the squad car?)

2. I saw a car by a man that was pink. (The man was pink?)

3. The waiter served a pastry to a lady that was flaky and well-buttered. (The lady was flaky and well-buttered?)

4. Erupting as geysers do, my friend took a picture of Old Faithful. (My friend was erupting?)

5. In the wagon, the boy pulled toys.(How did he pull the wagon while he was in it?)

6. After doing my homework, my mom baked cookies. (I wish my mom would do my homework for me.)

7. I saw a man on a bike with a broken leg. (How can a bike have a broken leg?)

8. I saw a skunk on the way to the store today. (I didn't know skunks went to the store.)

9. I walked to the house with my groceries. ( The house had my groceries?)

10. The man leaned against the tree with the suntan. ( Trees can tan?)

11. After panting all day, the picture was beautiful. ( Pictures can pant?)

12. While sleeping in the yard, a bee stung me. ( The bee was sleeping in the yard?)

13. I answered the door in my bathrobe. ( The door was wearing your bathrobe.)

14. Having laid eggs, Sam gathered the eggs for breakfast. ( Sam laid eggs?)

15. I bought a car from a salesman with bad tires. ( The salesman had tires?)

16. The ripped up student's assignment didn't get credit. ( The student was ripped up.)

17. While taking a shower, the doorbell rang. ( The doorbell was taking a shower?)

18. Topped with whipped cream and a cherry, I eagerly ate the ice cream sundae. ( I have whipped cream and a cherry on me.)

19. While texting and driving, a deer was hit. ( A deer was texting and driving?)

20. The man wore a hat on his head that was way too big. ( His head was way too big?)

21. I saw many farm animals on the way to the country. ( The farm animals were going to the country.)

22. The thief was about six feet, had black hair, weighing almost 200 pounds. ( That's some heavy hair.)

23. My neighbor likes to walk her dog in sweat pants and heels. ( The dog was wearing sweat pants and heels.)

24. A sign at a gas station: Kids with gas eat free. ( What???)

25. Feeling starving, dinner looked sparse. ( Dinner was starving?)

Farewell, and may no one make you a peanut butter sandwich.


  1. #11 - You're running? and that makes the picture? (You're panting all day. I think you might have meant to say "after painting all day")

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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