Having Fun

Humans don't seem to know how to have fun. They think that getting drunk and embarrassing themselves is fun. Getting drunk is only fun if you enjoy acting like an idiot, doing things you'll regret, and having a hangover. Humans also say that playing(or watching)sports are fun, but they spend the whole time screaming their heads off, yelling at the refs, and getting mad at the other team. When they aren't drunk or doing sports, humans think that having fun needs to be expensive. People think to have fun they need to buy a boat, go to an amusement park, go on an expensive vacation, or rent a bouncy house for their two year old's birthday party. Sometimes to have fun people play a practical joke on someone. That's not fun; that's mean.

Hear are some ways to have fun without spending lots of money:

1. Go to the park. It's free.

2. Go swimming in the summer, make hot coco in the winter.

3. Balance toothpicks on the top of a bottle. Any of them you knock off you take. First person to lose all they're toothpicks wins.

4. Play gibberish. One person walks out, let's say Joe. You take an activity then change two things to make it weird. Let's say you are playing basketball but the ball is a porcupine and your opponents are monkeys. Joe comes in and the first person, let's call him Jake, acts out playing basketball only speaking gibberish, and Joe tries to figure out what Jake's saying, also only speaking gibberish. Once Joe's sure he knows what Jake is trying to say, he goes to the second person, let's call her Sue. Sue acts out that they don't have a ball, but instead they are using a porcupine. They do the same thing that Joe and Jake did, but Sue is acting a little different. Joe goes to the third person. Let's call him Bob. Bob acts out that their opponents are monkeys. Once Joe thinks he knows what Bob's acting out, he says what he thinks they are acting out. If he guesses that they are playing basketball, with a porcupine, against monkeys, he wins. If not, the actors act out what he missed.

5. Play a board game.

6. Play Frisbee.

7. Make a fort out of couch cushions.

8. Go on a pretend adventure.

9. Make stories with friends.

10. Visit Galor.

Farewell, and may you have fun.


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