Tornadoes, sometimes called toddlers

So the other day I followed a toddler around for ten minutes. In those ten minutes she went into the playroom and dumped all the toys out of the boxes, got herself chocolate milk and dumped it on the carpet, threw the toilet paper in the toilet, and got a bad case of marker pocks. I think a tornado would have done less damage. I didn't even mention what she did with the crayons. Then the mother came in and screamed. Then the toddler activated her survival mechanism. She looked at her mother with big eyes and said "I love you mommy." If toddler weren't so cute, they would never make it to three. 

Human toddlers have volatile temperaments. One might ask for toast, so when his mom gets him toast, he throws it on the floor, screams "NO!!!" squirms on the floor like he's being tortured, continuously complains that you didn't get him what he wants, and when you ask him what he wants he repeats "toast". Then you get him another and this one's okay, sometimes.

So that's toddlers for you. Mini disasters in the making, but so cute you can't sell them to the gypsies.

Farewell and may your house stay standing after a toddler strikes.


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