
People tend to not use logic on this planet. If three people present an argument, and the first uses logic, the second uses rhetoric, and the third offers free pizza, the third wins. Real logic and science does not effect what people believe. Sometimes people appeal to logic and science without fully using ether. Logic is only as good as its assumptions. If I start with the assumptions that pigs are porcupines and that Slibores are edible, then I can come to some interesting conclusions. Science can be manipulated to mean whatever someone wants, especially if they payed for the study. Not that science isn't helpful, but with earths primitive technology, there are still so many things that you don't know.

To prove a point, I'm going to set up my own study. There have been many studies saying that TV lowers your IQ, but people don't want to hear that, so let's say the opposite. I will do a study saying TV raises your IQ. The first part is to get a group of people and a group of porcupines. We'll put the people in a room with a TV and the porcupines in a room without a TV. After three days we will give them a test about what was on the TV. Of course the humans will do better because they watched the program, and can write. Then people will believe it because they want to, and I'll put it on the internet so it will have to be true.

Fair well and may your arguments always involve pizza.


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