
Guns are mechanisms that people use to shoot people. On my planet we don't use something as barbaric as a gun. We use laser guns, or disintegration rays which don't leave any mess or evidence. The interesting thing about guns, is that people are so scared of them. If there is a shooting, then people are up in arms and call for bans on guns, but you are more likely to die from a car then a gun. Yet, no one is calling for a ban on cars. We could replace cars with Slangarion Cheetah Monkeys. They are much more fun to ride. I hope they aren't toxic to humans. Drowning is the leading cause of accidental death in human children, but people aren't calling for a ban on swimming pools, bathtubs or toilets. OK, bathtubs and toilets I'm OK with, but swimming pools are a necessity. How many people die from falling? Where are the calls to ban mountains, trees, and rooftops? You're 64 times more likely to die from your doctor then a gun, so where are the calls to ban doctors?

Then there are those who use gun free zones. This will keep any law abiding citizen unarmed, but it won't stop a single criminal from shooting you. If gun free zones are so effective, then lets have falling free zones on all mountains and roofs. Should we have drowning free zones on toilets, swimming pools, and oceans? Lets make accident free zones on the highways particularly at dangerous spots. Perhaps we need doctor free zones too.

There is one type of ban that I can get behind, stupid free zones. Unfortunately, you can't.

Farewell, and many you always have a laser gun in a gun free zones.


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