children's books

I have had the experience of reading to children on earth. If you are a parent you know the pain. Ween being read to, a child's favorite word is "again". When you finish reading a book to a child, they have you read it again, and again, and again, and...I think you get the point. This wouldn't be too terrible if the books were interesting the first time. However, they are stupid the first time and only get worse as they make you read it 563 times. Authors don't understand that rhyme and meter are not the same thing, and just because you have rhyme does not mean you have meter, content, or rhyme. Sometimes they don't understand rhyme, such as the fact that food and good don't rhyme, because English is... well.... English.

Plus I haven't even gotten to the content. The content of these books varies from communist brainwashing, to ridiculous fluff, to straight up advertisements. Whats the point of reading a story if it doesn't make you buy every product mentioned in the book, as every Lego book ever? The worst story I've ever seen is a superhero book where it took two superheros to do the job of one cop, and two of the most powerful to catch a few birds, and they weren't even super-birds. They were just birds. 

Every children's book author should read their book to their kids every night for the rest of their miserable lives. Farewell and may your children have grate taste in literature.


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