Modern Art, Modern music, and Modern dance

Arts are very different on earth than on my planet. On my planet art requires talent. Don't get me wrong, there are some very talented artists on earth, but a lot of art looks like it was done by a porcupine with paint on his butt. Artist don't need to draw pictures, they can just splatter ink on a canvas and call it abstract art. Modern art seems to get extra points if it's offensive, crude, or can go viral online. Marketing seems to determine what's popular more than talent. If I marketed it well, I could probably make money selling photocopies of people's butts.

Then there's modern music, which is generally just a bunch of swear words tied together into a rap. Instead of big bands and orchestras, three guys who only know one chord can call themselves a band. Many popular singers get popular off being bizarre, not off talent. 

Then there's modern dance, which tends to look like people having seizures on the floor. Seriously, I think that modern dance was made by a dance studio that wanted to mop the floor but couldn't afford to pay a janitor. 

I will now make modern art. I call it "Forehead on Keyboard in Frustration":

jmiuh6yt7poiuhloikk][uj6t5lokiyt78iu8]luhyh y76   bt gyt b bn bt   mjkiubvh gy  bn okli u7iyj8

May the art in your life never look like it was done by a young slog monster. Wait, you call those toddlers.


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