
Humans seem to like to categorize people and put labels on them. I find this unusual. I'm often referred to as odd, weird, strange, and unusual. I think those are compliments. A humans called me odd when I ate a grasshopper. I don't see how that's any weirder then eating a hot dog. It's certainly more nutritious. Labels mean very little. There is a very fine line between genius and insanity, or between an idiot and a hero. The difference is success. Archimedes ran thru the streets naked screaming "eureka" and was considered a genius. Yet, Galileo said that the earth orbited the sun and was considered insane, and put on house arrest. Labels are a matter of opinion. Whether someone is a traitor or a hero, or a war is a revolt or a revolution is a matter of opinion. So whether me letting the porcupines loose in the park was a favor to the porcupines or a cruel prank on the kids is just a matter of how you look at it. How was I suppose to know human children's reflexes were so slow?

Politicians are very familiar with this concept. The president could walk on water, and some people would call him amazing, while others criticize him for not being able to swim. Labels also seem to be convenient excuses. After all, humans have to be nice to each other except people they label as bigots, not tolerant, racist, a weird alien, or in other words, not in agreement with them. A human called me scary. He won't call me that again, at least not until he thaws.

Can someone tell me where I can buy better labels? May your labels always be good, and your pizza be better.


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