
Humans seem to have a very twisted idea of aliens. I have now watched many alien movies. There seems to be a pattern of them wanting to destroy all mankind, wanting to eat them, or living just like humans. These are all wrong. What would we have to gain from taking over earth? There are natural disasters. You don't have Slugmuts, so we can't play slime tag. Your economy's messed up. And what about the porcupines? You hardly have any. They're lousy singers. They're not as cuddly here, and they're terrible at bofalball.

Why would we want to eat you? Did you know that most aliens are vegetarians? Why would we want to live like humans? We are faster then a speeding bullet, more powerful then a rhino, and able to leap big planets in a single wormhole. Yes, we can open wormholes. Our technology is more advanced than your's. Plus, we can do more then just stare at it.

I will write in approximately 1440 minutes. Until then, may the snegafet of Neagafot never eat your carrots.


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