
This planet has awesome bugs. I mean, come on, when you step on a spider, it doesn't explode or turn into a giant monster. The centipedes aren't five feet long, and don't spit acid; and the flies don't eat your brains. Insects on earth are more manageable, but they're still impressive. For example, ants can lift ten times their body weight, or a thousand times their body weight depending on the size. There are superheros who can't do that, which brings me to my next topic, how superheros save the day sometimes at the cost of their life. Ants do that too. They're braver than some humans. Some bugs are more civilized than some humans--some are not. Thank goodness bedbugs aren't human sized, and that humans don't act like Black Widows. At least I don't think they do; some widows look like they ate their husbands.

Insects have some incredible if not bizarre superpowers. A cockroach can survive a nonnuclear bomb or being in a microwave for ten minutes. Dragonflies are one of the most efficient hunters in the animal kingdom, with a 98% catch rate. The Bombardier beetle can shoot fireballs out of its butt. The Monarch butterfly can fly at 30 miles per hour, and they're an inch long. Humans think they're the rulers of earth, but when it comes to numbers, adaptability, and biomass, insects have them beat.

Good bye and may you never be stung by a taser bee.


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