
On earth , people have made zoos to make it so they're a safe distance from all the animals who want to eat them. I love this idea. I'm going to tell my people about it. I went to the zoo yesterday, and I saw some truly terrifying creatures, and some truly adorable creatures. The rhinoceros was adorable. Sure, it tried to impale me, but I just jumped out of the way. The bunny at the petting zoo was truly terrifying. It scratched and bit, and that's not all. I't was fast. I can't believe they let kid's play with them. The alligators weren't cute or scary. They just looked dumb. The zoo had a lot of cats that you can't repel with water. That's terrifying.

Then I had to address the elephant in the zoo. Is the elephant seriously the biggest land animal on your planet? I've seen birds bigger than that on my planet. I also saw a slug. It's such a magnificent creature, so unique! How does a blob-like creature have so many organs? Then someone told me if I really wanted to see unique that I should see the platypus. What a disappointment. I have at least five of those at home. The koala creeps me out. I don't know why, but that fluffy face makes my skin crawl. The butterflies just make me hungry, but the zookeepers frowned when I went in the butterfly cage with salt and pepper. Actually, the zookeepers didn't like me at all. They dragged me out of the monkey cage and threw me out of the zoo.

Farewell, and may you always have something to throw at the bunny.


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