
Earthlings seem to have something called advertisements. The message of an advertisement is, "You are not happy, or at least not as happy as you could be, so buy our junk." Advertisements will often show things that have nothing to do with what they sell, like clothing adds with little to no clothing. Some companies sell their product by putting celebrities on their product. I'm not quite sure what Captain America has to do with a parent's choice of breakfast cereal. Many advertisements are very misleading, like soda adds often use skinny models, even though soda contributes to obesity. And food on the poster looks nothing like food in the package.

I would love to see what adds would look like if they were honest: 

Buy our smartphone; it will be outdated by tomorrow.

Buy our underwear; it won't look this good on you.

Buy our cereal; it has nothing to do with Elsa, but your daughter will whine for it until you cave.

Buy our beer because our commercials are funny.

Farewell, and may you waste your money on useful garbage.


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