Disposable Stuff

It is odd that everything earthlings make is breakable. As technology improved, things have become more breakable. Take phones for example, if you drop a old fashioned phone it will receive no damage. Drop the latest iPhone you'll get a very different result. It is odd that given modern advancements in technology, things are more likely to break. If you like TV, than you likely have DVD's, you probably also noticed that DVD's only work if they're clean and not scratched.  Laptops and tablets tend to break very easily, and all technology will break if you pour water on it.

Are we sure that with all the modern advancements, that we can't make a smart Phone last for a year, or a children's toy that last for a day? It is for this reason that some people think it is intentional. When some piece of technology breaks, you ether have to pay someone to fix it, or pay someone to replace it. It is also cheaper to make something breakable, but that doesn't mean that you don't have to pay as much. So if making things breakable is a good business idea, we should make everything breakable: Toys, TV's, dishwashers, washing machine, blenders, furniture, house's, and pet's. Wait, all those things are already breakable? There are disposable pets? Yea, I guess they're the kind that die after a day or two.

Farewell, and may you never see disposable humans.


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