The Secret to Happiness

Some humans are happy; most are pretending to be happy on social media. Humans talk about finding happiness in friendship, love, and being satisfied with who they are. Then they go to their high stress jobs, read magazines that tell them that they're not good enough, and argue with strangers on Facebook. Humans seem to know what will make them happy, but don't know how to do it. Ask any human. Every human has a dream, but most of them haven't figured out how to make their dream come true. It might help them if they had more realistic goals, instead of becoming a princess or a pop star, become president of the United States, or riding a dragon.

On my planet most people consider themselves happy if they're still alive. So maybe I can give some tips on how to be happy:

1. Instead of finding everything wrong in your life, count your blessings. If you can't think of any blessings, order a pizza and count your toppings.

2. Instead of arguing with strangers online, look at cat videos online.

3. Instead of sacrificing your health, happiness, and integrity to climb the corporate ladder, climb a mountain, climb a tree, or climb the stairs to your room to take a nap.

4. Instead of buying expensive things to make yourself feel better, remember a kid can have fun with a cardboard box.

5. Instead of reading magazines that tell you everything wrong about you, read a good comic book.

6. Make sure you snuggle something soft and squishy every day. This can be a baby, a puppy, a cat, a girlfriend, or a Slagtor.

Farewell, and may you have many blessings and many pizzas.


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