Morning vs Night People

There are two types of people in this world: morning people, and night people. If you tell a morning person to go somewhere at 4:00 AM, he will say, "That's earlier than usual." The night person will say, "I don't think I can stay up that late." Morning people get up early in the morning make their breakfast and sing a happy little morning song. Meanwhile the night person mumbles at them to be quiet, and covers his head with a pillow. Then the morning person tries to wake up the night person, and the night person makes a sound like the mating call of a hippo; so the night person finally gets up and walks around like a zombie. The morning person then ask the night person, "Would you like eggs and bacon, waffles, or freshly squeezed orange juice?" The night person answers by falling asleep on his food. The morning person screams in the night person's ear, "Get up! It's time for breakfast."

Sixteen hours latter, the tables have turned, and it's the morning person who's trying to sleep. At 7:00 PM, the morning person says, "Party's over. Time to sleep." Then the night person  gives him a weird look, and says, "The party has just begun." The morning person continue to harass the night person until he gets quiet so he can get to bed. After that, the night person is extremely quiet. He tiptoes around and opens doors extremely slowly. Ten minutes later, the morning person yells, "Be quiet. Some of us are trying to sleep!!!" So the night person sits still in a chair, and reads a book, to which the morning person replies, "Turn off the lights. I'm trying to sleep!" Finally the morning person is asleep, and the night person can continue with his day.

Then there are the people who are neither. They sleep all day. Then there are the people who are both. They're the most annoying of them all.

Farewell, and may you be a kind person no-matter when you sleep.


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