The Real Mythology

Divelians are a race from another planet with a love for theatrics. Seriously, you can't ask to borrow some Sogtop eggs without it becoming a production number. Just don't believe anything that they tell you. I learned this the hard way. The whole city played along with it just to pull my leg. I spent a hundred years thinking that mirrors made them melt. Even to this day, they call me Mirror Boy.

I mentioned that Divelians like to convince earthlings they're gods. In fact, they had a centennial competition to see who could convince earthling of the weirdest things. Winners included the Egyptian goddess of cats who turned into a cow when she got angry, the origin of the Greek goddess of love, the Egyptian prince dying every night, and so many more bizarre things in mythologies.

Fortunately, the Divelians have moved their competition to another planet. That's good, because I don't think that earthlings want to believe that trees contain the souls of their ancestors, or that the earth was first inhabited by demon plants that shot fire. A few Divelians still frequent earth; they mostly inhabit the fiction genre. You didn't think that Twilight was written by a human, did you?

Farewell, and may Divelians never trick you into eating your shoe.


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