Snow Days

It is supposed to snow today. I think I'll stay inside. What's the point of a snow day if you don't have Solkeon Snow Monsters to ride? And we've already established that Plutonians won't visit this year. Snow is very inconvenient. Earthlings drive cars, and snow slows down traffic. It also causes more car accidents. Lets make a no snow zone on the road. Snow can fall on the yards, it can fall on the roof, but it really ought to stay off the road. We need to file a complaint to the national weather committee. You have that, right?

If it has to snow, then here are some fun activities to make the snow day more bearable:

1. Build a snowman--out of mashed potatoes, in your house, under a blanket. Marshmallows work too.

2. Go sledding--down your stairs, in a sleeping bag, in your house.

3. Make snow angels--out of cookies, in the kitchen, with the oven on.

4. Make a snow fort--out of couch cushions and pillows.

5. Have a snow ball fight--with rolled up socks, in your house.

6. Go ice skating--with soapy water on the kitchen floor, and scrub brushes for ice skates. Don't do this while still making cookies.

Farewell, and may you someday ride a Solkeon Snow Monster.


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