
I have learned that humans make excuses a lot. It's not just when I bump into a pretty girl and ask her out. Children make lots of excuses for why they didn't do their homework, why they didn't clean their room, or why their brother is duct taped to the wall. I've heard some very interesting excuses, like, "I had car trouble," or "My alarm didn't go off," or "I had to take care of my little sister first." And I'm supposed to believe this? Why won't they believe me when I tell them, "I'm late because the Plutonians needed chocolate chips," or "I was having milk and cookies with Santa Claus"? She just rolled her eyes and said, "Did you say hi to the Easter bunny on the way?" I told her "Of course not. We're going on a date next week." Yes, the Easter bunny is a girl. Do you think a boy decorates eggs like that?

When I give excuses, they are legitimate excuses, like, "My pet RazorFang got loose, and I had to keep him from eating the mayor," or "I didn't come because my transformer malfunctioned, and I thought you might be frightened by my true form." Unfortunately, my legitimate excuses tend to get men in white coats showing up again. I've learned not to tell the whole story. I tell people I was feeding kittens at a homeless shelter (to my RazorFang),  I was taking care of the chickens (they'll taste wonderful when they finish marinading), or I was making a cake for Charity (It's her birthday). That seemed to go over better than the full truth.

Farewell, and may you be invited to Charity's birthday party.


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