Earthling Movies

I recently discovered that Earthling make entertainment things called movies. We do not have these things on my planet. For entertainment, we stare at trees. They are quite fascinating, and dance very well. We also throw Slugmuts at each other. They explode very well, and leave a bio-luminescent slime. We call it "slime tag".

Humans seem to enjoy seeing people pretend to be people they aren't, and stories where the plot is driven by the characters making stupid mistakes. For example, in the movie with the ice girl, the trolls told her to not be afraid, so her parents did the dumb thing to do, trapped her in her room, and taught her to be afraid of her powers when fear made her destructive. Personally, I would have made an ice amusement park and made millions.

There is another type of movie called a musical where people randomly burst into song and dance, and know all the dance steps. This brings up many questions: How do they all know the words? How do they all know the dance? Are they all telepathic? Do they plan their coordinated outfits? Do they all like cheeseburgers? And what about the porcupines? Do they feel left out?

To quote a movie I enjoyed, "So long, and thanks for all the fish." I think you have seen my pattern for when I will write again.(Hint: one planetary rotation) 


  1. Ice amusement park, ice sculptures, ice skating rinks, paths for ice tubing, ice sports, slushies, snow cones, ... There are so many things to do with ice, and they hide the girl in her room? I with you on that one.


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